Pieces Of Me

An insight into my rock and roll world. piece by piece. Photobucket
My name is Nurfarhain Nabila binti Mohd Yasin. Hello there ;)

terima kasih kawan

kau la permaisuri dekat tempat ni. kau la yang betul. kau la yang hebat. kau la yang baik. orang lain je yang kena fikir perasaan kau, kau tak payah fikir perasaan orang lain. kau je yang boleh terasa hati dengan orang lain, orang lain tak boleh terasa hati dengan kau. kelakuan kau la yang paling sopan dan sempurna. kau sorang la yang boleh maki orang dengan kata kata kesat ikut suka hati kau. kau la yang boleh kutuk orang lain kalau diorang ada salah walau sekecil debu. kau kau kau.

terima kasih la kawan. selama ni aku banyak bersabar melihat kerenah kau yang tak semuanya betul tu. jangan fikir sebab aku diam, kau perfect dekat sini. aku mmg suka diamkan aje. tak macam kau, tak puas hati sikit, bising bagaikan ada gempa bumi yang berlaku. semua nak complain. aku sendiri pernah annoyed dengan perangai kau, tapi aku still nak jaga hati kau. sebab kita KAWAN. itu je yang aku fikir. tapi kau, tak puas hati dengan aku, cakap nak sindir sindir. nak maki maki. weh, cakap dengan member sendiri kot. kau ingat sikit, aku pernah ke buat macam tu dekat kau? kwan2 dekat sini pernah ke buat macam tu dekat kau? seingat aku la kan. tak pernah okay. tapi kalau kau marah, tak ingat dah nak jaga tutur kata kau yang bagaikan mawar berduri tu? susah ke nak cakap elok2? kau ingat aku akan dengar, or takut dengan kau kalau kau berbahasa mcm tu dengan aku? luaran nampak sopan, seperti gadis melayu terakhir. tapi, adakah apa yang kau buat, cara kau berbahasa dengan orang tu mencerminkan imej luaran kau tu? kau fikir la sendiri wahai kawan.

aku tak pernah berkira dengan kawan2 aku dekat sini. termasuk kau. kau tahu daripada last sem lagi aku mmg tidur tak tutup lampu. last sem tak pula kau bising. mula mula ye la, then kau okay je. 4 bulan macam tu, baru sekarang kau nak bersuara? lepas tu kau sendiri yang offer nak belikan aku lampu untuk aku pasang time giliran kau nak tutup lampu. LET ME REPEAT THIS STATEMENT. KAU YANG OFFER NAK BELI. aku okay je. aku setuju je. so asal kau nak marah marah aku sekarang?

sebelum ni kawan lagi seorang dah kena maki hamun dengan kau atas sebab yang sama. aku sendiri terkejut dengan cara kau marah dia hari tu. agak2 la sikit. fikir la, kata kata kau tu boleh mengguriskan hati orang tersebut. nak marah ada cara. orang tu pun diamkan je. padahal dia terkejut and terasa gila kot dengan cara kau. tapi kalau kau harap aku pun akan mendiamkan diri macam dia, sorry la. aku takkan. and lagi 1, yang aku pelik, seorang lagi rakan yang suka tidur tutup lampu takdelah bising2 n tak puas hati macam kau. kau je yang lebih lebih. sumpah aku tak faham dengan sikap kau. aku anggap kau kawan n juga sebagai adik beradik. kalau aku ada buat salah sekalipun, kau tak boleh tegur secara baik ke? ke kau memang dah biasa bersikap macam tu. maki hamun orang ikut suka hati kau kalau kau marah or tak suka dengan orang tu. kau tanya la diri sendiri. muhasabah la diri sendiri. kita semua akan hidup sebumbung lama lagi. kalau kau ada masalah suatu hari nanti , kawan kawan kau yang maki hamun ni lah yang akan berada disamping kau, dan tolong kau. kau tak boleh fikir ke semua tu? hurm

akhir sekali, terima kasih la kawan, sebab buat aku menangis seketika sebab terlampau sedih dengan sikap kau.


singing sensation of the boy, the girls, and the 'in between'

2 days ago, my dear classmate and friend invited me to join her, her boyfriend and their friend for a karaoke at Mahkota Parade, Bandar Melaka. i was kindda bored and needed some sort of entertainment so i agreed despite i had to endure hurtful arguments with my boyfriend. i understand why he had to be mad. it was kindda late to go out at that time. it was 6 pm in the evening. but its just for a while. tak overnight pun. the plan was to karaoke for 1 hour, eat 1 hour, and be back in time before the gate closed. so off we went. when we arrive at Mahkota Parade, the first place we went to was the karaoke place. i didn't remember what's the name of the place. haha. sorry. the songs there was kindda lame and not up to date. but we accepted it anyway because it was cheap. so we sang. singing with people who are in the category of the 'in between' was FUN let me tell ya that. they dont care how the sing it, how they dance, their voice, they just do it, for the sake of having fun. they may looked like what they looked like (you must know what i mean right?) but they are sincere in what they do. sometimes even more sincere than us. so we had loads of crazy moments in the karaoke room. its like being around a real celebrity. oh plus, my dear classmate lina and her boyfriend are true singers at heart. their voice was soooo good. they could become a singing sensation one day, insyaAllah. its just me, with no particular talents in singing. so agak malu ar nak nyanyi sorang2, dengan itu, aku ajak sekali lina berduet dengan aku untuk hilangkan perasaan malu tersebut. after i hour of singing, dancing, and laughing, its time to head back to uitm. on our way to uitm, we stop by at a restaurant by the roadside to fill our empty stomach at Klebang. bila kteorg dah duduk, dtg seorang kakak ni nak ambil order. kakak tu dtg dengan muka minta penyepak. why am i saying this? because she didn't even smile at us while taking our orders. not even a tinniest smile. wtf? i would give a fucking VERO for customer service in her case. so my friend, baby, with such proper words said to her, "kak, senyum la sikit". but she just IGNORED us and still no smile came from her. how rude. pastu baby tepuk meja. haha. but at that time she was already gone. so we talked and talked until our foods came. the we ate. it was not great. we asked for ikan masak pedas. but it was not spicy at all. then we asked for sambal belacan, but they said "no sambal belacan". fuck, bodoh gilerr la kalau kedai seafood takde sambal belacan. kteorg dah panas dah ni. tp biar jela. tapi yang telah berjaya membuatkan kteorg meletop adalah, kteorg terjumpa kepingan bawang yang agak besar dengan kulit dan akar sekali. SIAL gila. then we had a brilliant idea to get back at them. kteorng kotorkan meja. HAHA. eh bukan kotor biasa tau. kteorg campak semua makanan lebihan atas meja. kepala ikan, sayur, nasi, air dan banyak lagi. hahaha. padan muka. mmg nmpk mcm budak budak, tapi lantak lahh. actually aku tak join. aku tak sanggup. aku cuma tumpang gelak je. aku gelak gila gila sampai sakit perut aku. i had never met anyone so BOLD like them. if they feel like doing it, they will just do it, without thinking twice. aku tak seberani mereka. then, kteorg pun suh akak muka kerek tadi kira harga makanan. dia still dengan muka kerek dia tu. so kteorg pun kerek la balik. baby tanya dia, "kak. potong bawang memang macam ni eh? ada kulit dengan akar akar sekali" i couldn't stand to hear baby asking that question, i burst out laughing! haha. but kakak tu buat bodoh je. she has the nerve to do that. like omg la kan. so kteorg pun bayar la. lepas dah bayar, baby and the rest lalu depan pekerja2 kedai makan tu. aku plak lalu jauh2 sebab malu. then bila diorang dah lalu, baby jerit kat diorang, "lain kali potong bawang tu elok2 sikit ye!" bila tgah jlan nak masuk kereta, aku dengar la ada suara mkck ni menjawab balik. kteorng naik kereta, kteorg bhnti depan kedai tu td, then curvy, lagi seorang kwan lina, buka tingkap sebelah kanan, dan menjerit dekat diorng balik, "jawab apa tadi?' then i didn't heard anything because i was busy laughing my head off. dia tnya balik, "i tanya ni, jwab apa tadi?" then baby plak buka tingkap sebelah kiri, jerit "lain kali potong bawang tu elok2 sikit. potong  satu2 ye" HAHAHA. i swear to you that, that very incident just breaks my funny bones. it was so funny and quite wild. something that i will remember. then off we went back to uitm. we arrived a little bit late. kena check dengan pak guard. kteorg bgi alasan kereta breakdown which is not true and ada roadblock which is true. we passed the inspection, so off we went to our own college with funny tales in our mind. ngehehe.

that's all people, kbyebye :)

ps: im trying to throw away my jugdements towards the 'in between' people. still trying. :)

kiss me already

Who knew that kissing aka snogging in brits, could be such an important issue for them especially young teens. If they reach the age of 14 and has not dated or snogged somebody, it means that they are on the social suicide, the bottom of the food chain, the dust particles in your living room. Sad isn’t it? Haha. While our culture and religion make us sheltered from these silly things but to the western, it’s a whole different story. who kissed who, who dated who, who has not been kissed or dated is all considered a big issue to some dimwitted teenagers in the western. a few days ago, in my spare time, though i actually didn't have any spare times, haha, i've watch this particular movie, angus, thongs and perfect snogging. a brits movie about a teenage girl trying to score her first real kiss and date. 

lesson to be learn from this movie is, big things like LOVE comes naturally. you cant expect it nor you can plan it. if its love, you dont have to try so hard, it will come to you when you least expect it. *kissing is something you do that happens in 'the moment of firework' and it should come naturally, not planned. and kissing is not an important element in love that needs to be done. its not like if you dont kiss somebody, you are a total loser. that is so WRONG. same goes to dating. it doesn't matter if you're 15,16,17,18 or even 30 years old and still has not dated anyone, its not the end of life as we know it. please stop being dramatic and enjoy your life. your time will come. god created us each with its own pair, own partner, own soulmate. just be patient and enjoy! :D

*ps: the kissing part is a general statement okay. if you're a muslim, you should know better than to kiss your mate, aite? peace ;)

i love you till the end- The Pogues

I just want to see you
When youre all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I cant escape
I love you till the end

I just want to tell you nothing
You dont want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why dont you just take me
Where Ive never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you till the end

I just want to be there
When were caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on its cloak
Im lost for words dont tell me
All I can say
I love you till the end

P.S I LOVE YOU :')))

koko moko loko

dear koko, a huge HATE for you, bastard! ughh, why do you have to exist? every damn wednesday, you would suck the joy and happiness out of me. eff you. you know, i used to like you. alot. i was in the police cadet team in high school. from form 1 to form 5. my journey as a police cadet was awesome. i was not ashamed to say that being a police cadet was my passion and i put my heart and soul into it. but then i came here. i thought things would be the same. i thought i would still have the chance to do what love. but apparently, not anymore. the komanders are so annoying. tak boleh ke kalau nak tegur tu, cakap elok elok? perlu ke tengking tengking? perlu ke buat muka ketat dengan kteorg? tak boleh atleast senyum? susah sangat? ke mmg korg dilatih untuk menjadi robot. sorry la, i cant accept the way you guys treat us. we can respect you, if you do the same. we are not dogs and should not be treated like dogs. we can follow your instructions, no problem with that. but could you say it nicely? please? koko start pukul 5 sampai pukul 7 ptg. kadang kadang mesti la ada orang datang lambat sikit kan. bukan nye sengaja pun. maybe orang tu habis class lambat. pastu pergi solat asar ke. be considerate la sikit. kalau lambat, dorg akan menjerit jerit dekat kteorg suh lari cepat. sampai pernah sekali, dia jerit dekat sorang rakan ni, "cepat la! aku pun sembahyang jugak!" apa? kau sembahyang 1 rakaat je ke sengal? kalau nak tegur pun agak2 la sikit. jaga bahasa anda tu. bukan nye susah pun. budi bahasa kan budaya kita. huh, nasib baik kumpulan aku best, jurulatih pun best. takde la sakit hati sgt bila pergi koko. just sakit hati tengok muka ketat mereka tu. get a effing life man. huh.


art in images

Friday 14/01/2011

Saturday 15/01/2011

they are now a part of my life.
i love them.
especially you, Nur Syafiq bin Yunus.