My Beloved Husband
Name: Nur Syafiq bin Yunus
D.O.B: 28 June 1992
P.O.B: Phattaya, Chon Buri, Thailand
Currently living at: Ipoh,Perak
Education: Diploma in Marketing with Multimedia at Multimedia College, KL
Status: Married to ME. Got that?
we got married on the 16th of Sept 2010.

played cupid. thanks dear cupid. you hit bulls eye. *wink*
our first date is on the 9th of Oct 2010 at a place called Berjaya Times Square.
Our first movie is
this movie is so damn funny. I enjoyed it very much. we watched this movie at Jaya Jusco, Kinta City Mall, Ipoh. the lamest mall ever, but like i give a damn. as long as i have him by my side. the date is 20/10/2010. awesome date huh? hee.
our first,
is on the 24th of Oct 2010 at Ipoh Parade.
he ate,
this yummy thing is which is his fav cake. blueberry chessecake. he tried shoving this cake down my throat, pleading me to have a little taste of it. and i almost puke because of it, but hey atleast i've tried right? only for him.
and i drank,
this sweet sweet thing, which is frappucino chocolate cream chip with whipped cream. my fav drink at starbucks. yummmmmy!
our first
is on the same day as our first starbucks. we went to eat kfc right after starbucks because at that time i was craving this,
damn! sedap sial!
our first movie that we watched on my dear lappy is,
our first dvd is,
How it all started
he commented on a photo of me and my best friend, sue,
this is our conversation/comments on this picture
he said: sue , sape kat sbelah tu ?
chumell lol. ♥ i said: :)
he said: errr ....
hi . :D
hi . :D
i said: hye syaf :)
he said: what should i call u ?
wall to wall ?i said: ain. but tak add lgi kan?
then he added me. so we went from wall-to-wall then to IM. we chatted and chatted until at one point, he asked me if i had a bf or not and asked me for my number. i said no, im single and i gave him my number without a doubt in my mind. then things started to get a little weird and crazy.
he posted this:
Fall In Love + Get In Love + Really Love Her + Beat My Heart = Nurfarhain Nabila
i commented: oh my god
he commented back: yes i am
then he sent a relationship request. not just a normal relationship, its a 'married' relationship request. he proposed to me on facebook on the 1st day we knew each other! and we haven't even met each other face to face! how crazy is that? its definitely super duper preposterous at that time. but i couldn't say no. i just stared and stared at that request thinking fast yet slowly, to consider the best choice that has the best outcome. i checked and checked his profile again and again. i asked him if he was serious again and again. he said he was serious but it still seems like impossible. we just knew each other! of course i had doubts! he said we could get to know each other after this. it feels like marrying someone whom you dont love and you dont know then the love would just come later by itself. yeah, it definitely feels like that. in the end, after thinking it over and over again, i decided to accept him. at that time, i thought, maybe i should take the risk and maybe it would be fun. maybe he would be the one who would love me sincerely with all his heart. maybe maybe maybe.
then he posted this:
♥ Nurfarhain Nabila , Will You Be Mine ? Forever And Ever ? ♥
i said: yes i will :)
you said: thans for accepting me .
mwahxx !
love you more than someone else & more than everything .
mwahxx !
love you more than someone else & more than everything .
i said: welcome ;) hee
so thats it, we are officially 'married' on that very day i knew him which is on the 16th of Sept 2010. hari jadi malaysia. yay for us! haha. i never thought that i would fall in love with him so fast. but i did. he makes me fall head over heels. he makes me crazy and crazier as the time goes by. even when we haven't met each other, i could feel that we are ,made for each other. i have that confidence in him. and im not wrong. i never regretted the choice that i've made. its the best choice i've ever made in my life.
so now our relationship has reached 1 Month and 2 weeks already!
like OMG!
i cant believe how fast time flies.
i love every minute of it.
i really do.
so these are a few thing that i knew about him and that i've learn about him:
- he loves blueberry cheesecake
- he likes drinking coke and home made juice
- he likes black, red and gold colours
- his fav movie: all stepup movies, stomp the yard, stomp the yard homecoming, all resident evil movies, all saw movies, all scary movie movies
- fav singer/band/group: flow eazy (his own group), justin bieber, jade smith, malique, joe flizzow, altimet, one nation emcees, pitbul, daddy yankee, super junior, snopp dogg, usher, bruno mars, jason mraz
- fav brand: Ed Hardy, PDI, Body X, Supra, Onitsuka Tiger, Nike, New York Yankees, New Era, Christian Audigier, Shiroi neko, Evisu, True Religion, SUB, Matsuda, Minute mirth
- his style/interest: hip hop, bboyz, yakuza
- fav tv show: leverage, chuck, miami ink, license for grill, bizzare food, 3days 2night, fashion show, E! buzz, take home chef, surreal gourmet, house, shot by shot. as you can see, he likes food A LOT. haha
- fav song: baby please, ezamilia, genki gengster. joget senyum, party till you drop, here we stand (flow eazy), never say never, baby (j.Bieber), hold my hand, insya'Allah (maher zain), kau yang punya, masih cuba (malique), masih hip hop, do it, mr president (joe flizzow), omg (usher),
- fav number: 7
- honeymoon (would love to go): hong kong, tokyo, korea, and hawaii
- he does not eat fruits
- he likes shopping
- he likes driving
- he lovessssss his shoes
- things that is compulsory for him to bring whenever he went out: Handphone, atm card, ic, tissue, pendrive, matric card.
- he does not like fast foods (weird)
- percentage of jealousy: very very very high, like 90% or something.
- he likes to complain about other peoples' driving ways. as if he is the best driver in the world. haha. (jgn marah tau b)
- strict with his younger brother and sister
- when he gets angry and pissed with me, he would rather stay quiet like a freakin stone. hard and cold. it drives me crazy.
- his body temperature is always high. means he is always HOT. wierdo and wolfie. hehe
- he loves his white blanket and would always sleep with it.
- he used to dance before this when he was 'younger' (haha) but not anymore, so i kindda asked him to dance back. because i want to see him dance again. i told him, if you're good at something, why stop? so i hope he will take it into consideration.
- he is not a goody goody type of boy. but that is an absolute attraction to me. ;)
- he looks so calm when he sleeps. all the 'garangness' that is shown on his face would dissappear when he sleeps. i love watching him sleep.
- he has a cute sets of dimples. and im crazy about it. i love those dimples to the max!
- he cant stand me watching his face or stare into his eyes. usually he would try to look away from me whenever i did that. he would try to push my face away if i stared too long at his face. if he could blush, i would see it. but i love staring at him. i would never stop doing it.
- he has many scars all around his body. its like he collects them
- he is prone to sickness and fainting, and getting into hospitals. (i told you, you should get active back b!)
- he is funny, loud, sporting, easy going, fun to be with, and crazy
- he usually drives with one hand
- he is good at artsy stuff like graffiti
- he usually eat at night time but now im changing his habits. hee
- he used to smoke, drink, clubbing but he has stopped. i dont care, its his past.
- he is such a sensitive person.
- tahi lalat: dekat bawah mata belah kanan, dekat dada belah kanan dan belakang tengkuk.
- he is good at producing beats
- when he sleeps, its so freakin hard to wake him up
- a romantic kind of person, not eccessive, just enough.
- he has 49 ex gf. (gila ke apa, banyak sgt ni!) and im lucky number 50! hmm i dont really care about it, as long as im the last one. i want to be the last one for him.
- the sensitive parts of his body: leher, pinggang, dan tapak kaki. cubalah geletek di situ, dan lihat apa jadi. hahaha
- he writes fucking good poetry's. jeles gilaaaa okay! he is so much better at it than me.
ohh yeahh, these are the stuff that he gave me before i went back to melaka after spending a week in ipoh with him.
his perfume <3
his fav t-shirt (its from rome) <3
his skull necklace. (actually i took this from him because i like it) <3
a purse <3
so this incredible guy which is mine and will always be mine, is not a perfect guy one would desire. but he is just as imperfect as i am, its like we're linked by heart and by soul. im not afraid to be me when im with him. there is no secrets, no lies between us. i desired his benign hands wrapped around me, his glorious dimples, his cheerful laughter. my love towards him is irrevocable. and no one could take him away from me. because our relationship is strong enough. im tied to him with a thousand cables. my whole world revolves around him and he is the core of my beating heart.
i pray to be only yours.
i love you. :')
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